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my 30 gallon tank

23 11:12:33

QUESTION: i have a 30 gallon tank with 1 angelfish, 1 rainbow shark, 1 cherry barb, 1 zebra barb, 2 killie fish, 2 skirt tetra, 1 african dwarf frog... i want to get maybe one more fish... maybe a ram, knife, or another angel, i kinda want something amazing, uniqe.. any ideas?

ANSWER: Well given the types of fish you already have in there, theres not really too many options of fish that are unique and will live peacefully with the fish you already have. I will say this, I have dwarf gouramis in one of my 55 gallon tanks with many other types of fish and they are very pretty to look at and are peaceful fish. Really great addition to an aquarium. I have the blue iridescent looking ones, amazing!

Also, at one time, I had blind cave tetras; they are not very pretty to look at but, really different. They are born with the ability to see and as they mature and grow, their eyes begin to be covered by their body. They will never run into anything and will most always find food quicker and easier than other fish with eyes, its crazy to watch!! Archers; which have the ability to shoot a stream of water at prey, they are just a truly amazing Australian fish; and Angels all in one tank. Talk about unique.

Ill encourage you to research these fish that i've mentioned and see what you think. Let me know what you decide and as always, i'm here to help in the future with anything I can. Good luck! Hope it works out! By the way, if yo add an angel, yo must be sure that it is of equal size. Other wise the bigger one will eventually kill of the smaller one. Rams have different environmental needs than the other fish and can be aggressive. The angel doesnt need a fin nipper. A knife fish would be awesome but, you dont want to mix that with the others, they tend to be aggressive and territorial.

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QUESTION: i just got a ram,corey catfish and a leopard danio... they been there for a few hours so far al is well. ram has a bit of trouble with the angel and the shark but not much. i think my tank maybe a bit bigger then just a 30

ANSWER: Just keep an aye on them to be certain there isn't any bullying. Remember that you don't want an overcrowded tank either. Good luck!
I would appreciate it if you would go back and rate the answers I've supplied. Thanks!

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QUESTION: what should i do if there is bullying?  

Well, as I mentioned in the first answer, the ram, which I did not recommend to add with the angel, will probably be most of the problem as you have already slightly seen. The only way to effectively STOP bullying is remove the aggressor. Otherwise a bigger tank and many more hiding places may help the situation, if it gets worse for you. Good luck.