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Help with Jack Dempsey Cichlid

23 12:01:30

I've noticed that my little Jack Dempsey fish isn't as active as he used to be - but he's so young and small. He's got this milky-clear coating on his eye, as the other one had gotten before it died. I just cleaned out the tank again in hopes of, if it was a disease, to flush it out. What's wrong with it, an illness? What can I do to prevent and treat it?

Hi Kirstin,
  A coating on the eye indicates either attacks by another fish or that there is a problem with the water.  

  When you say you "cleaned out the tank", I trust that you don't mean that you completely cleaned it out?  In general, you should really change more than 50% of the water in a fish tank at a time.  Doing so can really disturb the natural chemistry balance of the water in the tank.

-- Ron
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