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Sick Beta Help!

23 15:02:27

My daughter received two beta fish with the divider tank from Santa.  They were both doing well and then one just got sick and died.  I quickly ran out and bought another one to replace the dead red one "Buddy" and was shocked to see the new fish somehow swim through the side of the divider to the other side of tank with "James".  James hid quickly and I scooped the "new" buddy out and put him in a bowl.  I went to PetSmart and complained about the fish tank and divider wall that is not 100% safe and bought an entire new tank for each fish to have its own large bowl.  They have it made and seem to be very happy over the last week, large bowl, with light, filter, their own little castles, etc.  Well, this morning the new "Buddy" isn't looking well.  Not eating and hiding behind the filter.  I've tested the water and it reads "fine" they both have everything a darn little fish should need.  He is breathing, but barely moving his gills compared to the other one that is happily racing around its tank. Any suggestions.  It is tough to keep tricking an 8 year old.  She already noticed that "Buddy" was skinnier and I told her it was because of all the exercise he is getting in his new big tank.  I followed all the rules with regard to introducing to new water, etc., and as I said, the fish was very happy for about a week.  We feed them once a day in the morning.
That's about all the info I have.  Hope you have some suggestions.

Hi Rosemary;

It could be too cold for him. Put their bowls in the warmest place in your house. Bettas are tropical so they need to be at least 75 degrees all the time. Seventy-eight to Eighty is even better. Some seem to do okay if too cool, but others don't at all.

When you change their water always be sure that the new water is the same temperature as the old water. Also use a water conditioner to remove chlorine/chloramine, bind heavy metals and help the fish with stress.

I noticed what you said about the new fish being thinner. It is possible you are overfeeding. We all do that from time to time. We just have to cut back once we realize it. Bettas need only 2 to 4 little pellets of food a day. Basically a portion of food the size of his eyes. That's how big their stomach is. If the water is also cool at the same time, the fish can't really digest and it becomes constipated. Intestinal blockage results and the fish can die. If you notice your fish looking a bit bloated, get the water warmed up slowly with a lamp or something close to it(don't add warm water though, that's too fast!). If he is interested in eating, cook and peel a green pea and feed him tiny chunks of it. Feed only the peas until he has a bowel movement and acts like he is feeling better.

Look on his fins and his body to see if there are any unusual areas of fungus or spots of any kind. See if the scales are standing out (pinecone-like)or if the eyes seem to be protruding at all. Anything unusual can indicate disease. Let me know what you find, if anything.

Here are some betta sites to help you know more;

I hope he feels better soon.......

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins