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betta floating

23 15:02:27

Hi Chris,
I don't know if you got the reply I sent--I didn't get an email saying I sent it.  If you did, just ignore this.  Anyways, my betta is sitting on his side on the bottom with his face in the rocks sometimes too, I hope this doesn't mean he's dying!! About his mouth, it doesn't look like there's anything in it--he just holds bubbles in it and spits them out every once in a while.   He does quickly close his mouth sometimes too.  His body's not swollen and I don't think his eyes are either.  I went to the pet store yesterday and got freeze-dried bloodworms and he swims away from them too.  It seems like he's scared of his food--he won't even go near it.  His gills are pumping really fast--the black part is out really far.  He's not looking good at all, is there any way to get him to eat?
thanks, Elizabeth

Hi Elizabeth;

So sorry I didn't get your first reply. The AllExperts system 'burps' like that sometimes.

His problem eating isn't what troubles me. Fish can go a very long time without eating. Since he can't keep his mouth closed and sometimes has his face in the rocks indicates an inflammation and/or pressure problem. He may have an infection that is building up fluid and putting pressure on his jaws. Putting his head down like that can be from pressure in his brain causing seizures. This will also cause overreaction to stimuli like offering him food or movement around his tank. Infections are treatable but not all respond well to medication. Unfortunately, it could also be a tumor of some kind.

Get a medication called "Maracyn 2". Most fish stores have it. It's the only one that absorbs into the fish to get where infection is. Other medications only treat the outside of the fish.

Also get the water in his tank up to 82 degrees. Bettas are tropical and need at least 75 but need it higher when sick or when breeding. The higher temperature also weakens bacteria as well as parasites. Put a lamp on him or something to let it slowly raise. The medication can do it's job easier when the bacteria is weakened from higher temperatures.

I hope that helps......

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins