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Platy and guppy

23 11:09:39

Hi again Renee,
I have read from different websites that platties cant or can bree with guppies but now im not so certain because my guppy has turned from following my barb to chasing my guppy and is not quite nipping but pointing his head towards her anal fin so I'm not sure if she is getting stressed im worried hat the only way to get him to stop is to add another female guppy or platy to the tank which I would deffinitley consider for the hope that my platty will be able to stay safe but I dont want to have a too big capacity in my tank. Also my platties "poop" is usually a slight pink but every once in a while this white string comes out of her instead and im beggining to fear for her even more, whats even worse is she hogs the food so she tends to get overfed because i try to feed my other fish. Sorry if this question is too long except im really worried thank you!

Hi Alicia,

Although they can interbreed, technically, it's rare and almost unheard of.

They are capable, however.

If he's nipping her anus, it's because he wants to breed her.  That's a male/female livebearing fish behavior.

I wouldn't worry.  They are naturally like that in both species of fish.  So, whether a guppy was chasing her, or not, she'd be chased by some male in her own species if you had one.

I hope this helps. :)  Happy fish-keeping.
