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snails with my piranha

23 14:28:07

I have a 10 gallon tank with one juvenile piranha.  I put a few live plants in the tank and now have a snail problem.  I have read recommendations about putting clown loaches or puffers in a tank to take out the snails.  My piranha would not waste time making them lunch.  How do I get rid of all those pesky snails?  I don't mind a few snails around to help clean the tank but, they are getting out of control.

Hi Mike;

Overfeeding and overcrowding are the usual causes of snail overpopulation. I've had snail problems too and it always traced back to those factors. They can't reproduce like crazy if there isn't an overabundance of food/waste for them to thrive on. Your tank is pretty small for even a juvie piranha too so I would suspect there is just an overabundance of waste and the snails are really liking it. Piranha make lots of mess due to the kind of diet they require. Do plenty of gravel vacuuming, changing 25% of the water. Do this at least once a week. The waste will drop and the snail population should too. If you cut back on food a bit your piranha will see the snails as food too. Net a few out and drop them in one at a time for him to eat instead of a regular feeding. Might be kind of fun too...In a sick 'snail-hating' sort of way. Hah! Been there, done that! When I overfeed my tanks with snails and get a population explosion, I just net a few and give them to the clown loaches. They love 'em!

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins