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Black Moor-white on face

23 14:48:41

I recently got two small goldfish. One is a Black Moor, and the other is a California Fantail. They have been living in their new tank for about 5 days and until this morning everything seemed normal. They never bothered each other. But this morning when I woke up the Black Moor had a white mark right between his eyes and on one eyelid. At first I thought that maybe the other fish had hurt him, but then I thiught it unlikely that the Fantail would hurt him between the eyes instead of the tail or fin, so I began to think that he might have a disease. It is slightly raised from the face and almost looks like awhite scab of sorts. The Fantail shows no signs of this. Do you have any ideas as to what may be wrong with the Moor, and how to fix the problem?

Hello Mairin-

Black moors are prone to getting diseases around their eyes. This white, raised patch may be Ich, or it may be a fungus. If it's fuzzy, then it is a fungus and should be treated with a fungicide from PETsMART or another petstore. If the patch is smooth or scaly looking, it's probably Ick (unless your fish has developed a scab over an injury.) Either way, treat the tank with a dose of Quick Cure, a dose of aquarium salt, and a dose of Melafix to promote healing. Watch their behavior to be sure the fantail is not picking on the moor, and check to be sure the fantail is not developing the disease as well.

Hope this is helpful!
-Amber Worman