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why do my fish keep dying

23 11:14:50

hi i was wondering if anyone can help. i bought 2 fish for my daughters i had them about 5 days then they died i then bought a new tank pump filter etc: follwed instructions then bought 2 more fish round about 5 days later again they died so we went to the pet shop and asked for some advise they told us to feed them once a day instead of the twice which we were instucted to do and therefore bought 2 more fish round about the 4 day one fish died :( then today on the 7 day the other fish died these have all been coldwwater goldfish. thanks

Hi Aime,
  Goldfish are actually very difficult fish to keep alive. Most of them are sick to begin with. Personally I stay far away from goldfish.  It is also really important where you buy your fish. I strongly discourage you from buying fish at any place other than an actual fish pet store.  Also never buy a fish from a tank in which there are any dead sick or even slightly sick fish.  

  By the way, you only need to feed fish once a day, and not very much at that. Most people vastly overfeed their fish. Only give them food that they eat right away. Never put in food for them to "eat later".  It rots and pollutes the water, which easily kills the fish.

-- Ron C.
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