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betta having a rough go

23 11:07:14

betta fin
betta fin
Hi, I got my daughter a betta about a year and a half ago, and he's done well, until lately.  About 2 weeks ago, my daughter came downstairs to tell me she couldn't find her fish(?!)  We went upstairs, and he had jumpe out and was behind her dresser.  We don't know how long he was behind there, but he was a bit crispy.  When she picked him up, he started flipping, so we put him back in the bowl.  I brought him downstairs, cleaned his bowl, and put some fungus cure in, as it has a protective slime enhancer(after all, he was crispy).  He perked up for a couple days, but then turned very pale.  I called the pet store, and they gave me a bit of aquarium salt, told me to put some in, in 3 days change the water, and put in the rest.  WOW!!  He looked great!  His colour came back, and he was perky!  A couple days later, a straight line appeared on his bottom fancy fin, which eventually broke off.  It looks like I trimmed him with scissors, that's how straight the break is.  His top fin has dropped a lot of his fanciness, but the primary spine of the fin is still intact.  I know very little about fish, and i'm not sure if maybe the fin cracked when we rescued him, or if he's still sick.  I understand he's in the twilight of his years, but I don't want him to suffer.  Will his fins come back?  Is there something I should do?  Thanks for your time.  P>S> I've enclosed a pic, but not very good, but you can see line on bottom fin.  It has since fallen off.  Kim


Most likely the break was do to the fall. As long as he has some of the fin left it should grow back. What he needs right now is a heater. Betta's are tropical and need their water to be at 80 degrees at all times. He also needs to be in a tank no smaller than 2.5 gallons where a five gallon would be better. He is probably still in shock and the heater will help him considerably. You can continue with 20 minute salt baths twice a day for five days and that will help too but what he needs is the heater. Let me know how he is doing.