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Betta illness, terminal?

23 14:46:20

Bailey, my betta fish, is very sick, I think I realized too late and I feel very guilty, but anyway, his first symptom was that he stopped swimming and eating actively, then his lower front fins got really pale and yellow, he's dark blue. His chest (between his fins) got really white-yellowish and he's got a cut or open spot on his side, he also seems very slim.. I went to the vet and he refused to treat him because no vets in Venezuela treat fish u_u just cats and dogs.. I went to the store and the lady gave me some anti fungus drops and I followed the instructions but he doesn't seem better, I changed his water and now he's just crashed on the bottom.. He's a really good friend and I don't want him to die, please help me.. or at least tell me anything I can do to make my betta's last days happy.. Thank you in advance

Hello Angie-

This doesn't sound like something that would be lethal...

Try following these steps to see if you can help him recover.
1. - Add a small dose of aquarium salt to the tank. This will help kill off any small infections, and promote healing of wounds.

2. - Add a dose of Melafix. This is a natural plant extract, and it works miracles on bettas. If you don't buy the salt, be sure to buy this.

3. - Make sure his water is warm; 75 - 80F is ideal.

4. - Be sure you are using *treated* tap or well water. Distilled water will kill your fish! By treated, I mean with a store-bought water conditioner, like AquaSafe from Tetra.

5. - Try to wrap his tank in a thick blanket to shield him from noise and light. Be sure to leave a space at the top for oxygen to get in!

6. - Cut back on his food, unless he is eating healthily (i.e. "leaping" for the pellets and chewing them up like he's starved.) If he's just looking at them, don't put them in the tank or they will dirty the water.

Hope this is useful!
My e-mail is if you need other help.

-Amber Worman