Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > determineing the sex of fish

determineing the sex of fish

23 15:08:04

i would like to know how to tell the sex of a fish particularly of tetras, angel fish, guppies, and fire bellied dwarf gouramis; also which sex a store would usually sell of these sepices and if they are egglayers or live-bearers, and how to deal which the fish if they are pregant  

Hi Dave;

You need to get a book on breeding fish. To give you the info you need, I would just about have to write you a book right here! Just too much information to give it to you this way. You can also go to the following websites to learn more about your fish and/or breeding them;

From there I can fill you in with other details as needed.

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At Your Service;
Chris Robbins

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