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Injured Beta Fish

23 14:44:43

I accidentaly dropped and broke a glass frame on my betas bowl. Some of the pieces fell into it, cutting my beta on the side. He still swims and dances and eats, but the cut looks bad. Nothing came out of it (blood, ect)but i am still worried. What can i do to help him heal?

Hi Taylorcat3;

Poor guy. Things like that happen sometimes. Hopefully he will recover just fine and be okay. Bettas are very resilient. Just keep his water as clean as you can, keep the temperature up, use aquarium salt and melafix to help prevent infection and encourage healing. Melafix and aquarium salt are available at most local fish stores. Keep him as calm as possible, even dimly lit for a couple of days too. It will help him rest.

I hope he heals up soon.....

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins