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23 11:45:07

Hi. I am an experienced tropical fish keeper and my tank has been up and
running for six years. I've had lots of success with catfish and have even
had them breeding in my tank. For the last year though every catfish I
have had has lost it's dorsal fin resulting in death. I have left catfish for a
while but yesterday tried three new bronze catfish in my tank. Today all
three have lost either all their fin or part of it. Is this a parasite or is
something else eating them? I have a mixed tank with no vicious fish,
although I have two large clown loaches. Help?

Hi Terri,
 That is very peculiar.  I have never heard of that. I would strongly suggest that one of your fish is not so peaceful.  I would not suspect a parasite of doing that so effectively or rapidly -- that sounds like the result of one of your fish attacking the catfish.

-- Ron
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