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Cichlid w/popeye

23 14:12:24

Hi Ron,

We have a 110 gallon tank in our office with abour 25 mbuna ciclids.  Recently our tank pump broke and it took the service guys two weeks to fix it, so needles to say the water quality went bad.  Tank is fixed now, water change done and all the fishies look healty except one.  He has developed severe pop eye in one eye.  Unfortunately we don't have a quarantine tank in our office.  What do you recommend we treat him with that won't jepordize the rest of them?

Hi Pam,
 Unfortunately that is not a good situation.  To treat him in the 110 gallon tank would mean pouring a LARGE amount of medication in there (which would be very expensive and not likely effective anyways).  What you really need to do is to get that fish out of the large tank and into a small quarantine tank (or even a bucket) where you can try to treat him.  Mostly what he needs is to be left alone, and that isn't going to happen in the large tank.   I realize that catching a single fish in a large task can be quite the job (wear your bathing suit and be prepared to dive right in :) ) It often goes better with two people working together. Good luck.

-- Ron
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