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Sick Betta :(

23 11:32:10

I have had my male beta since August. He has always been pretty lively, he'd swim around his small tank and follow my finger around the edges. He used to sleep upright, in a normal position near a corner of the tank. Now, he's constantly sleeping on his side and floating to the top of the water. He makes air bubbles near the corners of the tank and stays near them. When he does wake up very occasionally- he literally darts frantically around the tank and resumes back to his sideways/floating position. Lately I've noticed him shaking all over but staying in one place. He hasn't eaten really in a  few days either. Is he dying? How can I make him better if he is okay? Thanks!

Hi Lyndsey,

Siamese Fighters originate from the rice paddy fields in Asia. In their natural habitat they wouldn't have to put up with the current that is generated by most internal filters. It's worth turning your filter down to it's minimum setting and directing it straight at the glass. The fact he's not swimming leads me to believe it's simply tiresome, their finnage weights them down rather than assisting them, so I think it's probably the current is too strong.

Male fighters are bubble nest builders. They are fiercely protective of their young and will fight anything that comes near the nest. Try and get hold of about eight females and see what happens. Place some tall plants in the tank, make sure the water surface is barely moving and see how it goes. A male fighter will usually have a harem, one female will be picked out for bullying more than the others, so the more the better to keep the bullying spread out.

To be honest, captive bred Fighters are usually pretty sickly. Like Gourami's and Guppies they are highly inbred and infection tends to strike them down fairly quickly.

Good Luck
