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beta fin injury

23 14:59:30

My sons beta has grown alot and last night got stuck in the window of the castle in his 1 gallon tank.  We didn't realize he was stuck for over 12 hours.  I could not push him out of the window so I actually broke the castle to free him.  However, while stuck, he shredded his dorsal fin, both pectoral fins, caudal fin, and has a sizable scratch spot on the top of his head.  Will his pectoral fins regrow like the caudal and dorsal fins? How long does it take for fins to regrow? Is there something I should treat the water with to help him heal.
I have moved him to a qt size tank because he lays on his side.  I am hoping he will eat something if I can get it next to his mouth.  We have had "Ruby" (a red male)for 4 months and he was growing and doing very well before now.  He used to be able to swim through the window.
Thanks for your help.  My six year old really hopes he will heal.

Hi David;

Ruby's fins will regrow as long as infection doesn't set in. It can take several weeks and the edges will look clear with no color at first. Keep his water very clean, changing the water every 2 or 3 days, especially since he is in a quart size tank now. To help him heal and regrow his fins get a product from the fish store called Bettafix, or if you can't get that one, Melafix is very good too. They have natural ingredients that soothe the raw areas and aid in fin regrowth. If you see cottony or whitish areas on the edges, get a stronger medicine. Something that treats fungus is what you will need.

His swim bladder may have been damaged in the trauma too. Here is an article about that;

I hope he feels better soon........

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins