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Can these fish be together?

23 14:38:57

well if i do put the divider in what if i have 1 filter on one side and the 1 filter on the other would that be ok and also how big of a tank would i need for 1 cichlid its about the size of a dollar bill maybe a little smaller  
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I just got a cichlid from a friend, her other ones were beating this one up and I had an extra set up tank. I know these fish only do well with others like it. My husband wants to get a very large tank at least 55 gallons or more and was wondering if we could possibly get a divider and have one part angelfish,catfish, and algae eaters and the other side just that one cichlid.
Hi Michelle,
 Theoretically you could go with a divider but I don't recommend it.  Fish almost always find a way around dividers
and dividers mess with filtration in the tank.

 You are much better to have separate tanks.

-- Ron
  Cichlid Research Home Page <>

Hi Michelle,
 You could do that and it would probably work okay.  Just be sure that the divider is very firmly in place because if it isn't they will find a way around it.  They are highly motivated and have nothing else to do other than mess with you.... I am speaking from lots of experience here...

-- Ron
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