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Blue Acaras and Texas Cichlids

23 15:05:11

Hi Mr.Coleman,
I bought a pair of Blue Acaras adult. One female and one male. They do not have such vibrant colours a blue acara has to have. Please tell me how to enhance their. Are Blue Acaras same as Green Terrors (are they both the same)

How do i speed up the growth of my texas cichlids? (please please dont suggest food methods as i may not be able to get the same food available in US)

Hi Srinivas,
  Blue acaras and green terrors are very different fishes.

The best way to "enhance" the colors of a fish is to treat it well, feed it right and let it be comfortable in a good tank; it will then show its best colors.  

Growth is dependent on food and temperature.  Fish grow significantly faster in warmer water than in colder water.

-- Ron
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