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Fin loss on Beta Fish

23 15:06:21

hey there have a beta fish in a bowl with the plant on top roots in the tank. has been this way for about 6 months. No other fish in the tank, no filter just changing the water as necessary. it is about a gallon tank. anyway the guy looks like someone went around and cut off his fins(he must feel somewhat embarrassed or something) I feel pretty bad for the guy what do you suppose it is. doesn't look otherwise unhealthy, eats breaths swims about like normal. Thanks for any help. kath

Hi Kathy;

He may be tearing his fins on the plant roots. It might be helpful to trim to roots or just remove the plant altogether. Betta fins are somewhat fragile and are bruised or torn easily. Keep his bowl very warm (80 degrees) and very clean to help ward off infection. Feed good healthy high protein betta food too. Change his water once a week to help him stay strong and promote fin regrowth.

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