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Afican cichlids/ co

23 11:04:44

I have a 35 gallon I had a 3 1/2 inch plecostomas and a 3 inch Bala shark. I just bought a 1 inch electric yellow and 2 2 inch kenji African ciclids. Within 2 days they ate my beta. I am concerned for the Pleco and shark but without the Pleco my tank will get nasty. Do you think I should remove them? Also, I just Telly want to get a few more Africans maybe 2 or 3 more. Will that many in my tank be bad? I know they will grow but I intend to upgrade my tank within 6 months. And as far as feeding them... I have heard so many different things I have omega one color enhancing floating pellets, Tetra Min crosiers flakes, and jumbokrill freeze dried shrimp. I heard to feed them 2 times a day every other day and every third day and to feed them ad much as they can consume in 30 seconds, or 2-4 min. What is correct ? It would be helpful for you to be as precise as possible intuit answer. I mean a pinch could be different to different people, you now?

Hi Kimberly,
  The pleoc will probably be fine but never count on a pleco to clean a tank. You should be cleaning the tank. It is important to provide proper food for the pleco, namely algae wafers. Do not just assume that the pleco will eat stuff lying around.   

 I worry about the bala shark and suspect that it won't last long.  

 I feed my fish once a day. If you feed them more often, then feed them very little. There should never be food left over for them to "eat later".  Such food will rot and foul the water, which is very dangerous for fishes. I cannot tell you exactly how much to feed, e.g., 1 teaspoon, because the amount depends entirely on your fish, how large they are, how much they eat, the temperature of the water, etc.  You are always better to err on the side of feeding them too little, rather than feeding them too much.  A fish should NEVER be fat.  

 As far as adding more cichlids, the key is to be sure that you have lots of structure in the tank. Structure means rocks, wood, etc to help break up the open space and to provide LOTS of hiding places, not just one or two hiding places, but many hiding places for each fish.  

-- Ron C.
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