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yellow bullhead catfish

23 11:09:14

Hello I have a 50 gallon tank with a 12 inch bullhead catfish and i what to add him some tankmates what fish would you suggest would be good with my catfish.thanks

Hi Ben,

I got this question in the fish questions pool today.  It must have been there awhile, referred to other experts by the original expert you chose.  Please do not hold me responsible because it's taken so long to answer.  I just got it today, and was on it soon as it arrived. :)  I hope my answer is helpful for you, and in advance, if there is any need for a followup, please feel free to ask.

There are not many things you can add.  Bullheads have good-sized mouths, so I recommend adding Parrot fishes, oscar, peacock cichlid.  They all get very large.

Happy fish-keeping.