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salvini cichlids

23 11:14:07

is it safe keeping more than 1 of these in a tank?

my tank is roughly 100 gallons. i have 3 of them in the tank, as well as a sailfin pleco, 4 yellow lab cichlids and 2 convict cichlids. the biggest of the 3 is 3" and the other 2 are about 1.2".

ive read many different things about them. some say you can only have 1 per tank as they will kill each other. and others say they are fine as long as they have been together from a young age. they were all in the same tank in the petshop

Hello Sarah,
I'm very sorry for my slow response, I didn't get an email notification for this question.

Your fish should all be fine together. The reson you get conflicting information is because all cichlids no matter what you do are aggressive towards each other. This is one of those cases where I have no doubt in my mind you will see some nipping, chasing, and possibly even sparring, but the tank is large enough they will not hurt each other. It's a territorial issue, and since you have a good size tank, you'll be fine.