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My beta has popeye

23 15:00:24

My Neel has popeye which i noticed late in the evening today. Poor guy looks very lathergic and he is also bleeding from the corner of the mouth. He is 2 years old. Is there anything that i can do to make him feel better? Can any of the human medicines like Ampicillin,tetracyclin be used on the bettas? Please advice!!  

Hi Pals;

Poor Neel. He must be miserable. Let's see what we can do.....

There are two medicines usually available at your local fish store that work pretty well on popeye. You only need one or the other so whichever is available is fine. One is minocycline (Maracyn-Two) and the other Kanamycin. These medicines absorb inside the fish where the infection is, unlike others that treat only the outside of the body. Here is a great page about popeye too;

I hope he feels better soon.....

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins