Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > Betta fish - Aquarium?

Betta fish - Aquarium?

23 11:21:00

QUESTION: Hello, long time no see :3

I just have a quick question.  I currently have a gourami, five small female mollies, two yoyo loaches and a kuhli loach.

I was wondering, could I add my female betta into that tank..? I know that they're fighting fish,  but someone said that if there isn't another betta, then they won't fight and can live happily with other fish.  Can you tell me if I am able to add her into my tank? (I think it's a her.  Her fin aren't long; they're stubby)  I'd like to know so that she'll have a better life than just sitting in a stagnant tank ):

Thanks for your reply, and it's nice to see you back here.  Welcome back <3

Julzy <3

ANSWER: Hi Julzy

Thank you, it's nice to see you again too! :-)

Whether female or male, your Betta should be fine with the Gourami, Mollies and Loaches. Bettas more often fight with each other than other fish. When placing Bettas with other tankmates, the only important thing to remember is to avoid placing them with bright colors and fancy fin fish such as Guppies, Neons, Angels etc. A Betta will view brightly colored and fancy finned fish as a threat.

I'm sorry I haven't been available on here as much lately, my day job and personal life have been keeping me really busy. In the future if you have a question and I'm not available on here, email me Great to hear from you again!

Hope this helps, good luck!


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Aw you remember mee! That's great n_n I've had soooo many questions, and you're my go-to guy, but it always said you were maxed out and I could never ask questionss.

I'm glad you're back though.  Hopefully life has been treating you good <3

I just have one more quick question..  I have a three spot (although she doesn't have the spots any more..) gourami, and she's a really light blue/gray color, and my mollies are mostly white-ish.  Can I still put the Betta in or will she think those are fighting colors?  I at least /think/ she's a female betta.  The pet store told my mom she was (she was a surprise for me) and she only has a little tail and is a greenish blue.. I always thought males had big tails ):

Thank you again for everything, and thank you /so/ much for giving me permission to ask questions via your email =D I promise I won't abuse it <3

Hi Julzy

Of course I remember you :)

Your Betta should be fine with the Gourami and the Mollies. The Gourami might be more of an aggressor than the Betta in that tank. I have a red Betta in a 15 gallon with a Powder Blue Dwarf Gourami, 2 Black Mollies, a Silver Molly, and a Cory Cat and they all are fine together.

No worries on the email, I don't check that account anymore anyway ;-) ....kidding!

Hope this helps, good luck!
