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betta fish-desperate-need help!

23 14:37:28

Hi Chris!  This is about my betta fish, Jonah.  He has been hanging at the top of the 2 1/2 gallon tank.  I've been doing vacuuming once a week with partial water changes twice a week.  He has been very listless, like he was too heavy to swim.  I've had him over 2 years.  Now he is at the bottom of the tank, head pointed up.  He looks a little funny right at those fins under his gills.  What to do?  I put in some stuff called Simply Betta Fungus Bacteria Cure this evening, just after I did a complete water change (in case that was the problem).  Please help!!!  Debbie

Hi Debbie;

If he is having trouble getting to the top it's probably a swim bladder problem. Here is a link to info about it;

I hope he feels better soon...

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins