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tired black moors?

23 14:37:28

I just got two black moors just last week. They are both very little and for the time being I am keeping them in a 2.5 gallon tank at my apt until I return home where I will move them into a larger tank. I had noticed that the fish seemed to have to constantly fight the current in the tank, so I bought a plant and a cave to give some protection from the current and something fun to play with. Now, I am noticing that each of the fish will occasionally swim to the corner of the tank with the plant and will stay there (either totally upright, or with their face in the gravel) for a really long time. Are the fish acting like this because of the current? They do not act sick at all otherwise. Is this normal? If not; What should I do?

It is normal for them to have to swim quite hard when near the filter outlet/powerhead. If it is the filter that is making the current, turn it down as low as possible. If it does not turn down, try to position it so it is blowing against a rock or wall of the tank.
They may be hiding not because of the current but because they feel stressed. I would put a backing on their tank, even just plain blue or black, and buy a few more plants for them to hide in. It will simply make them feel less out in the open.
Also give them a variety of food if possible, bloodworms, brineshrimp and daphnia as well as flake food. That should help speed up their growth and strengthen them.

Good luck,