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Gold Fish has big belly

23 15:07:10


Our tank is 10 Gallon. There are two Gold Fish. We have a filter system. Recently. One of the gold fish becomes sick. Its belly becomes bigger and bigger. It seems it has difficulty for bowel movement. I am afraid the belly will be broken in some day. We did not feed them too much. The other one is very good. Could you tell me what's wrong with it? Thanks,


Hi Yuhong;

He needs a change of diet so he can digest properly. Start with green peas popped from their little shells and broken into little pieces. Feed them for a couple of days and not any other foods until he is doing better. It is good for the other fish too. Goldfish commonly have digestive problems but it is easy to prevent by feeding peas, chopped spinach, chopped romaine lettuce and brine shrimp. Feed all your goldfish these foods a couple of times a week to keep their digestive system working.

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