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help with inherited convict and jack dempsey

23 14:12:57

My husband and I recently inherited a 10 gallon tank with a 5 1/2 in. algae eater, 1 in. convict, and a 2 in. Jack Dempsey. I know this tank is not suitable for them. What size would be? Also, I have not observed the Jack feeding. He has been at are house for about 1 week. They came with fish flakes and Cichlid pellets(small). Is anything else better for them? The convict is not picky or shy about eating. The water quality and temp are all within guidelines that I read off the Internet. Any info you can
give would be great. Thanks . April

Hi April,
  You need at least a 29 gallon tank for the Jack Dempsey (bigger is always better when it comes to fish tanks).  
Cichlid flakes are fine -- that is what I feed my smaller fish. As they get larger, you can move up to larger pellets or sticks.  

  Cichlids often don't eat when they are first moved. They find moving traumatic and it can take a while for them to feel settled.  The good thing is that a cichlid can go a long time (weeks in some cases) without eating.  So be patient.  Most importantly, do not let uneaten food accumulate in the tank -- it will rot and foul the water.

-- Ron
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