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Beta and silver mollies

23 11:58:02

I have a male and a female beta. When can I mate them. Also, I have just purchased a male and female silver molly and the female is pregnant. Should I put her in a breeder tank now.



Never, ever put a female betta in with the male.  He could, and will kill her.  Breeding Bettas is another story...they don't spawn easy, and you will have to read up on them as to explain this to you now is quite long.  You must remove the male from the tank immediately.  Never put bettas together in a tank.  The poor female will live in fear, will get sick, and die, if he doesn't kill her before.  
Mollies live in alkaline water.  You must add a little crushed coral, or seashells to their tank.  Putting a molly in a breeder basket could result in her death.  She needs lots of room to swim when giving birth.  How big is your breeder tank?  If it is a 10 gallon tank, then yes you could put her in that tank making sure the water quality is the same as the tank she is in now.  Always add diluted aquarium salt to their water.  1 teaspoon to 5 gallons, and when they are alone in a tank with no other kinds of fish you could add more aquarium salt.  2 teaspoons to 5 gallons of water.
Hope this helps