Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > koi-1year old

koi-1year old

23 11:47:02

Hope you can help. My fish has been hiding itself away for about a week. Fins lying close to its body. Now developed reddening on one side stays motionless a lot of the time and off the fish food. Any ideas? Regards Maria

Hello Maria,
Im sorry, is your koi in a tank?
How big is your tank?
Is it longer rather than depper?

Sorry to answer a question with a question but a koi need about 200 Litres and thats short term, then after a few months it wil have to go into a large pond, so you could be stunting its growth if its still small, which is where the organs grow but the body doesn't.
You may loose your fish, but if it is in a tank then get normal goldfish next time.
