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sick firemouth

23 15:06:11

I think my firemouth might be sick. it as lost the color on it's under side and has not been eating as much as it normaly does. the fish has dug/moved some of the gravel. my fish is female if that maters any it is about 6 inches long and is in a 75 gallon tank the only ether thing in the tank is a rams horn snail. I keep my tank very very clean and my filter is way over kill.the fish is about 2 years old give or take.

ps my fire mouth is very mean and I am have a hard time finding a fish to putt in there with it waybe you can help me with this also

thank you for your time  

Hi Jared,
 Color change is normal for firemouths.  The digging indicates that your fish is trying to make a nest.  

  Are you sure that it is a female?  At 6 inches it is most likely a male firemouth.

-- Ron
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