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23 11:42:33

One question.
i have a 20 gallon tank. 6 Giant Danios, 1 Pleco, 1 Red Tailed Black shark and 1 Albino Rainbow shark.
Can Red tailed sharks and albino rainbow sharks spawn or breed??
also, how can i get my Gian Danios to breed?
How can i tell the sexes of my danios and whether my red tailed is a female or male and whether my albino rainbow shark is male or female

Hi Jr,
  Rainbow sharks and red-tailed sharks are different species so ideally they would not breed together. Red tailed sharks are Epalzeorhynchos bicolor  while the rainbow sharks are Epalzeorhynchos frenatum.  The albino rainbow is actually a different species,
Epalzeorhynchos munense, than the regular rainbow shark, despite its name.  

  Danios are egg scatterers.  Basically you feed them well and if they are happy they might lay eggs which will typically fall down into the gravel and hatch.  Of course, other fish in the tank will readily eat babies that they find so it is unlikley that you will be successful breeding them in a community setup.  

  Sexing danios and sharks is not something I am an expert on so I can't really help you there. These fish tend to be pretty monomorphic, i.e., males and females look alike, so sexing them is not simple but may be possible.

-- Ron
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