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Cichlid gasping for air

23 11:42:34

Recently, two of our African Cichlids have died.  Unfortunately, this occurred while I was at work, so I don't know their symptoms.  However, today our Jewel Cichlid is swimming listlessly and gasping for air.  Some of the other Cichlids have been pecking at his fins and belly.  The Jewel will swim slowly through the tank, sort of rocking from side to side.  Occasionally he will rest at the bottom or float in a plant with is head facing down.  He hasn't been eating for the past few days, and had been very reclusive during that time.  The other fish in the tank seem to be healthy and active.  I've done a 25% water change and added conditioner and establishing bacteria solution.  The tank is new.  Probably two or so weeks old.  I realize this could be "new tank syndrome," but the guy at the fish store assured us the tank would be fine with in a week.  He said there was no need to buy inexpensive fish to start the ecosystem, just run the tank for a few days before adding fish, which we did.  It's a 26 gallon bow front.  There are five 1/2 inch to 3 inch Cichlids in it.  The fish guy said we could fit up to 6 in the tank.  Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Hi Danielle,
 It sounds like some of your fish are beating up others of your fish.  Keep an eye on them.  The best way to reduce aggression is to make sure that your tank has lots of "structure", which could be rock, plants, wood, etc.  This breaks up the space and provides hiding places for fish that are being bothered.  

 P.S. There is no need to add any bacteria solution AFTER the tank has started -- that is just a waste of money.  If you want to put it in right at the start to help get the tank going, that is okay, but after that, it is useless.

-- Ron
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