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okay, what size for babies?

23 15:08:52

Right, so i do have A tank about 1 gallon I origionally had a hermit crab in. The hermit crab is lo-o-ong dead. Would that be good to start their growth? If not, how big does a tank have to be? If you breed babies and can't keep them to pet stores accept them/buy them?

Followup To
Question -
You recently replied to one of my questions about breeding mollies and said breeding fish in a community tank wasn't a good Idea.

If i bought a breeding unit or net would breeding be 'allowable'?

Even if i don't breed can Gold Dust mollies and Pearl mollies breed together?
Answer -
Hi Naomi;

The breeding net is good to keep the babies away from the other fish temporarily, but is too small for them and they will need another tank to be able to grow bigger. The net simply saves them from being eaten until you can move them. Remember too that the mother will eat them sometimes. Put a small plant to float in the net or breeder box for them to hide from her.

All colors and shapes of mollies will breed together. They are all the same and were developed by selective breeding to get those pretty varieties. You will probably get more plain-looking fish as the generations continue though, because the original wild variety is the dominant gene.

Remember that you need at least 2 females per male to keep the males from stressing out the females too much. They can die and/or lose their babies if they are over-stressed. Male livebearers are always wanting to breed and the females just need a break from time to time. Poor little ladies!

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At Your Service;
Chris Robbins

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My member name is ChrisR62. See You There!

Hi Naomi;

You will need a full tank setup for them with a filter and heater. Mollies need high temperatures of 78 degrees or so and plenty of room to grow properly. It also depends on how many babies are born and survive. I wouldn't go with anything less than 10 gallons. Change 10% of the water daily and the babies will grow very fast. That's how breeders do it. Very clean water and several tiny feedings daily. If you will grow them to adult size, they will overpopulate a 10 gallon if you have more than 10. The general rule for any tank is one inch of fish per gallon as a maximum population. If you are dilligent with water changes and don't overfeed the fish, you can go as much as 2 inches of adult fish per gallon. You just have to be careful and watch the water quality.

Ask your local fish stores if they would be interested in the babies. They may want them only after they get 3/4 of an inch long. Ask them about it. You will only get wholesale value for them, which is generally 1/3 of what they sell for retail. Maybe you could even trade for some supplies like food and water conditioner. Stores are often more willing to accept your fish if you are spending the money in their store.

More Followups always welcome......

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins