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Bumpy Head Diease

23 14:21:48

My african cichild has two large bumps on its head. My question to you is that normal?
In that tank i have six other fish they all live in the same tank for over a year. Is it possible that my red devil bit the fish on the head,or is it a diease and how do i get rid of it?

Melonie,                                                     Sometime males develope a lumps on their head when they are ready to breed. If it turns colors or especially white medicate with tetracycline. They could be bites. Especially if they are white. Red devils are notorious biters so watch it. If by chance it starts looking fuzzy it could be fungul, but I doubt it . If that is the case though treat with erythromycin. Don't forget to remove your carbon no matter what you end up trating with and do a 25% water change after.....and new carbon. Good Luck, Tina