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Humanely euthanize a crayfish?

23 11:13:14

I don't want gory details of what could go wrong with various procedures, just only if you know any humane way of euthanizing a pet crayfish.  I'd like to get one but if I can't deal with the inevitable one day, I will forget it.  It's a little hard with a fish so a crayfish seems harder.

Also, do you know any tips for keeping one as a pet?


I personally am not a big crayfish person, but when I do catch them I ether use them to go fishing, or quarantine them for a few weeks and feed them to my stingrays. Because I do this, I do not need to Euthanize them, but more importantly, why euthanize it unless it is suffering and needs to but put out of it's pain? In the many years and hundreds of fish it has been my privilege to own, I have only had to euthanize one.

As far as keeping them, all they really need is food and semi clean water. Their tougher than any fish I've ever seen because their invertebrates that evolved to live in very poor conditions with high competition.