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still very upset

23 11:48:26

Hi Richard. Well I'm still grieving for Toby. I know the fish need me. It's very hard at the minute. Why did he have to go? I'm not very lucky with my pets lately. We might be getting a dog. We are thnking about getting a dog but first we need to get over Toby. Everybody else is fine. It's just me. It hit me harder than it hit anybody else. He was our third cat. Our first cat Zarah was run over. We tried everything with her, we even amputated her tail but in the end we had to have her put down. We got Kaos after that and he got cat flu and died of that and now Toby. We got the first two cats from a shelter and Toby from a friend whose cat had had four kittens. Toby was the runt of the litter. He was the smallest kitten there. I really want a chocolate labrador, Black labrador, Yellow labrador or golden retriever. I just love dogs. I got another cory cat from another pet store and they didn't drop the fish this time. Why do I feel like it's my fault Toby died?

Hi Danielle

Sorry again about Toby. I'm not a grief counselor, but I can tell you it wasn't your fault.

This Cory should be fine. I didn't realize they dropped the first one when you bought him. It's always a good idea to make them give you another one when they do that.

Good Luck!
