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fungus on goldfish

23 14:01:47

My goldfish has been going through quite the ordeal for the last three weeks.  He has had finrot off and on for about two months.  Treated this with Jungle ....  The latest bout of fin rot I treated with a new medication that called for an increase in temperature.  The finrot went away but now it has a fungus growing out from under it's top fin. I treated it with a pet store fungicide for five days but it didn't seem to have any effect controlling it.  Can't use the fungicide more then five days and this is the fifth.  Not sure what else I can do to get rid of the fungus - Salt bath?  He's a fighter, I'ld like to help him.  Oh yes I've isolated him in his own aquarium right now.

Any suggestions

Hi Neda,
  Most cases of "fin rot" are actually the result of one fish chewing on the fins of another.  The best solution is isolation of the fish to stop the attacks, as you have done.

  The chemical I use for fungus is called Paragon II, but it is very hard to find.  I would suggest continuing on with the fungicide you are using for a few more days.

-- Ron
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