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Goldfish Fungus?? White fluffy stuff.. maybe columnaris?

23 13:56:05


Video of infected fish
Hi Lynda
I added a water neutraliser to my tank a few days ago, then my fish started changing silver extremely quickly! I was shocked (obviously), and so I took it out of the water immediately and placed it in another tank, where it seemed to recover. However, the place where the silver scales were started going furry, and a white growth (it's cotton-like)started growing on it. The fish otherwise seems fine, apart from some difficulty eating (it's eating, just slower than normal, chewing for longer). Is it serious? I've attached a picture. There is also some swelling around the gill area.

Hi Grace,
First I would do a water change 25%.  Please don't use the neutralizer you used in the other tank.  Try to find out more about it. Make sure his water is free from ammonia...then I would treat him with Maracyn 2.
I know that too much neutralizer is not good, and that you have to follow the recommended dose, but I have never heard of it doing what it did to your fish.  Poor little soul...

Hope this helps you