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heat stroke in my fish!

23 15:00:00

I was on vacation for 6 days and the caregiver didn't do his job! The lights were left on and the temp in the house went up to 80 degrees, the tank, 88. I did remove the 2 remaining fish to a hospital tank and it's now 6 hours later and they're improving. The deceased fish did not harm the water,I tested it and it's perfect,they were not dead for long. Is there anything else to do for a speedier recovery?

Hi Shannon;

What a shame! Just letting them slowly recover is the best way. The oxygen level probably dropped too low for them to survive in the big tank. Eighty-eight is really not that bad. As the temperature rises, the oxygen saturation in the water lowers. So, depending on the fish population it can starve them all of oxygen. Just don't change the water temperature too fast on the survivors. Fluctuations can shock them and cause them to die quicker than the actual high temperature. Just let it slowly drop to what they really need. You might want to do a 25% water change and gravel vacuuming in the main tank and vacuum the gravel in case the "caretaker" overfed them too. I hope the rest can be saved. Poor guys......

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins