Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > spitting out food

spitting out food

23 14:03:45

QUESTION: I received a beta fish (Jonah) for my birthday (April 28) from my boyfriend. He purchased food, as well as, a liquid to balance the water. The problem is that Jonah has not been eating, and now there are bubbles around the top of the bowl. I don't know what to do or what the problem is... is he not eating because he doesn't like his food?

ANSWER: Hello Elizabeth,
You'll want to make sure that his water is warm enough. Bettas are tropical fish and require a temp between 76-85 degrees.
Cooler water can slow down their metabolism and make them lose their appetites. Also, you want to change out the water at least once a week.
Bubbles at the top is normal, especially for males because they build bubble nests.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks very much!
Now my problem is that I have bought two different kinds of food, one is flakes, one is pebbles. He won't eat the flakes at all, and he was eating the pebbles. Now he gets them, looks like he is eating it, then spits it out. What is the problem?

Hello again,
There could be a few different explanations. How long has he been doing that? Do you watch long enough to see whether he finally eats them?
He may not be hungry, or the pellets may be too large for him. Put some into a ziploc bag and crush them, then put a small amount into his tank and see if he will eat them.
Make sure you are keeping up on your water changes as well, as you should fast him once a week to prevent SBD.