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Parrot Cichlid sloughing scales?

23 14:14:20

I'd like to start by saying a BIG THANKS to the help from previous answers on sickness and disease in cichlids. I've been able to at least salvage a couple... including feeders. I lost 2 beautiful 10-12" Redbelly Pacu, a 7" Waterloti catfish, and 1 parrot fish, to Ich and Sap in a span of 3 days.
Besides having a goldfish at age 8 and feeding it to death... I have not had any other fish til now. (afraid of killing them) I am truly a newbie... I have had my current tank & fish for 9 mos. It's a 55 gal tank - left are 2 parrot cichlids a feeder fish and 1 feeder ghost shrimp.
There are 2 hanging carbon & bio filters, the ph is currently close to 8 as I added salt and raised the temp to 85-86 treating for ich. Started the treatment 12/1 and should be good as I have not see any white specks on fish for a couple of days. I am waiting at least 2 more days just to be sure. Ammonia and nitrite are 0- nitrate <20 ppm. Usually change at least 25% water every week to two weeks depending on water quality. I normally keep lower level of salt 1-1.5T per gal) in the tank to help with their slime coat. One of my Parrot fish(Snowball) appears to have scales falling off. Is this normal or is there another problem? Could it be the Ich treatment? The behavior seems ok. No more side or drunken swimming. The other Parrot(Dori) tends to suck or peck at Snowball's sides.

Hi Pati;

Scales falling off is definitely not normal. I would suspect Snowball is scratching on things in the tank from irritation, or Dori is just being aggressive and plucking scales off of Snowball. You might try putting in an aquarium divider for awhile and see if it gets better. It sounds like you have everything under control as far as the infections. Hopefully a little privacy will help encourage a full recovery.

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins