Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > Oscar emergency

Oscar emergency

23 13:57:25

"i have come home to find my 11 inch red oscar has chewed of the cover to my fluval 405 water inlet pipe and swallowed the float ball which is the size of a large marble i can see it is right in his bowel but does not seem to be coming out anytime soon. is it possible for a fish of this size to pass something of this size?.

and is there something i can do to manipulate it without hurting his bowel?.any advise will be welcome and if you dont know then is there someone else you could direct me to.thanks.

There is no way he can pass something like that. The intake should have been covered to prevent this.

The only thing that you can do now is call the vet. He may need surgery, which can be pretty costly.

Call around, and see if there is a vet that knows fish and that can perform this.
