Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > strange betta behavior!

strange betta behavior!

23 14:26:59

Lately my betta has been acting very strangely. I have had him for about 4
months now. I haven't seen him eat in about a week (maybe more), and even
the slightest touch to his tank or movement near his tank sends him darting
around erratically. Other than that, he doesn't really swim at all anymore.
I am not sure of the size of the tank (although it is large) and he does not live
with any other fish.
Any help would be appreciated, and I am sorry if you have had this question
many times before...there are too many questions to look through. Thank


Does he seem to have any white patches or odd variation of color on his body or fins? I've heard of fish who have ick "fish lice" suddenly dart around or scratch themselves again the rocks/planets - but normally this happens out of the blue as if they just can't take it anymore. However, your fish seems to be a bit insane (I'm sure that's not the case, though =P)

Look over his body very carefully in a bright light and with a magnifying glass and send a follow up with any details. Meanwhile, I'm going to be researching a cause for this crazy behavior.
