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Possible sick angel fish/pregnant

23 14:46:48

Our angelfish is quite pregnant. She is gooing on 6 weeks. My wife and I are now concerned. Recently for past 3 days, she has been nose down on the gravel. She is still alive. We though maybe she was getting ready to have her babies.
We are now quite concerned.
Is she sick and if so what can we do.
Please respond if you can.
Can you email me to the emaql of

Hi Frank,
  Hmmm.. the problem is that angelfish don't get pregnant as such.  They are egg layers, meaning that they lay the eggs on the substrate and the male fertilizes them there.  So your female is not pregnant.  Assuming that she hasn't just been eating alot, she must have some other disorder that is causing her to swell up greatly.  This could be due to an intestinal blockage.  What works for some fish is to get them to eat thawed, frozen peas -- this acts as a form of fish laxative to clear out their digestive system.  Of course, many fish won't eat the peas, but it is worth trying.

-- Ron
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