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Fish acts weird sometimes

23 15:09:22

Hi, I've had a beta fish for about 6 months in I guess what you'd call a medium sized little bowl. There is no filter system. I clean his bowl out every couple weeks and get specially made water from the pet store. My question is this. Sometimes his head turns all white and his eyes get this dead look to them. He won't move and won't eat when he gets like this and it worries me. The first time he did it I thought he was dying. I don't try to make him eat when he doesn't want to because I know he's just not hungry. But is this a bad thing or is it normal? Do you know why he might do this? Thanks very much.

Hi Krisi;

It is possible his water is too cool. Keep him in a warmer place and see if that helps. They like to be in 78 to 82 degrees fahrenheit 24 hours a day. Most bettas are kept too cool, but most new hobbyists aren't informed as to how important it is to keep them warm. They do get pale at temperatures below about 72.

He really should also have his water changed more often. Try every week and see if he perks up. If your tap water is drinkable for the people in your house, you really don't need to get "special water" for your fish. (Especially if you have to buy it!) Just use a water conditioner like Nov Aqua or Stress Coat and use your tap for your water changes. That's what I have always done and so do my expert friends. So much easier that transporting water from the store too!

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Chris Robbins

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