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Betta constipation/swim bladder problems

23 13:55:07

Ok, My betta (Stewie) has a long history.  He lived for about 6 months in a 40 gallon aquarium with other community fish until he started to get stress lines and noticed some of his fins had "mysteriously shortened".  I was concerned and quarantined him in about a half gallon tub for 2 weeks using melafix (I can't exactly remember the name) with little improvement.  I changed half of the water daily-every other day.  I Noticed him showing signs of depression (lethargy, loss of appetite (except for daphnia/tad poles)) and decided he needed to go into a small tank.  I put him in a 10 gal and he seemed to improve a little, but then I noticed that his fins becoming shorter I thought.  He began to improve.  Swimming more, and began eating again.  About a month later I got him his personal 5.5 gal aquarium.  He did very well in there, very active and eating well, no change in fins.  About a month later, I decided I'd like to breed him.  I Introduced the female into the tank while in her "jar" and Stewie seemed a bit interested in her.  I was worried he may attack her so I left her in that for a day.  The next day I let her out and Stewie chased her into every corner.  I thought she might not be able to stand it.  Stewie showed no signs of making a bubble nest, and the next day, she started to chase Him.  I noticed after that, that she had attacked him and cleaved the majority of his fins off!  I was late for work, and when I got back, he was essentially fin-less.  I immediately removed her.  I thought he would die then, but he survived.  About a month later I brought him to my dorm (when school started up) and he did fine for a couple of weeks.  I must mention that he now has cherry shrimp in the tank with him.  He began to get very ill.  I don't know exactly what he had.  He exhibited signs of ich without any white spots so I concluded it was velvet after about 2 weeks.  I first noticed it when he would lay almost entirely motionless except for gill movement.  When he did swim, he swam erratically seemingly itching himself, but sometimes not rubbing on anything.  He would not eat.  I took him out and began treating him with "betta revive" with no luck.  I treated him for a week and determined he was not improving with treatment and returned him to his tank.  He was still not eating.  I decided that it was most likely oodinium (velvet) and thought I'd keep the lights off for a couple of days and add some salt.  He didn't eat for a entire 2 weeks straight since I began medication, so I was not optimistic.  One day however, I came in the room and I saw a glimmer in the tank and he was swimming normally.  I left the light off for a few more days and then returned to normal habits.  He was eating again miraculously.  He's been doing great lately; his fins have grown out more than I ever expected them to, but he's having swim bladder problems.  I've read that constipation is common in bettas, and so I do fast him on saturday, and sometimes sunday night.  He would end up with a very enlarged abdomen and floats on his side.  He doesn't like it and tries to swim normally but floats upwards.  I think he's learning not to waste his energy in righting himself all the time because it happens almost every time I feed him.  This started 2 months ago, but has been ongoing for the past month.  I just recently got him peas.  I gave him his first few tid bits (frozen, thawed peas without the shell, cut in bits) on monday night and he ate them readily (he's an extremely picky eater).  He floated that same night.  I make sure to only feed him when his stomach is small and try to feed him small amounts.  I do over feed, because the shrimp need the food as well.  I've gotten them sinking wafers, but they haven't taken a liking to them yet.  I've cut back now of the flakes I give him, but even when I give him tiny amounts his stomach still bloats.  I'm particularly concerned tonight because last night and tonight he seems distressed during these periods.  He's been bolting randomly, causing splashes.  These periods of "floating" are ALWAYS gone by the morning.  Twice he's made a bubble nest between his floating spells so I am understanding he is content.  

I don't know what to make of this!  To get to the routine stuff, I haven't tested the tank.  I can get my testing kit here by monday.  I do change the tank at least every week.  I have a live amazon sword and a handful of java moss in the tank.  Temp is 84 degrees F.  I add a tiny amount of aquarium salt each 50% water change.  I use prime as my dechlorinator.  I have an HOB filter that creates little surface agitation.  I have 1 airstone that very calmly but surely agitates the surface.  Sand substrate.  There is tannis present in the water still from a log that I had soaked for 1 week prior to placement, but placed log 3 mos ago.  If you need any questions answered, let me know.  Stewie is very special to me.  Any input would be EXTREMELY appreciated.

Hi Jill:  Feed him nothing but brine shrimp for the next week and see how he does. Live or frozen are fine.  They will help him pass his blockage and they will also help to boost his immune system.  Pellets and other dry food are just that... very dry... and even though the fish lives in water.. it takes a lot to digest dry food.... the brine will help.... Please keep me posted.  dave