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Please help!!

23 15:09:06

I have 2 beta fish. When I first got them I put them together and that lasted 1 day (because the male was aggressive). well shes pregnant and HUGE shes been pregnant for awhile, shes so big that I can see the eggs through her skin. anyhow, I was taking a trip and put them in the same bowl to travel and I guess he hurt her.. she has a tear in her side stomach area and eggs are coming out. Is she going to die because her stomach is tore open? I guess shes in pain her gills(?) are flareing nonstop (I know nothing about fish) please help

Hi Renee;

I can't make any promises, but we can try to help her. Fish are amazingly resilient animals.

The first thing to do is get her into clean water. Use a good water conditioner like 'Stress Coat' or 'Nov Aqua'. Make the water shallow so she doesn't have to work very hard to get to the top for air.

Put her tank in the warmest area possible. The water should get up to 82 degrees. Get an aquarium heater if you need to. Get a product called "Melafix" from the local fish store. It is a very good product that will help her heal and help avoid infection.

Change her water every day, making sure the new water is the same temperature as her old water. Use the water conditioner and the Melafix every time until she heals.

Hoping for the best for Mrs. Betta.......

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Chris Robbins

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