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Breeding Dalmation Molly

23 12:01:33

 Hi,I was wondering if a Dalmation molly male would breed with Dalmatian females if there was an other male in the tank.I Have a 10G tank with 3 guppys(1 pregnant),A Sailfin molly male, Dalmatian molly male, 2 Dalmatian molly females, and 1 Rubber lip Algee eater.
   So,I realy want the Dalmatioas to breed. Can I do some thing to make them want to breed, or will they do it on their own?

They'll breed on their own, and they are very prolific with it.

You can increase the number of babies by feeding high protein foods a couple times a week. Bloodworms and brine shrimp are a favourite, but you still need to feed a good quality pellet or flake regularily.

Also, having 1 male for every 2-3 females prevents agression that may occur during breeding. Unless you are lucky and get a peaceful male. They'll still breed anyways, but it will be easier on the females.

Also, that rubber lip pleco is too big for that tank. Look into otocinclus.