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Better improvement

23 14:45:37

Hello Ron

      I just want to know a few things to see if I can better improve my aquarium. I'm kinda new to them, only about a year.
I have a 36 gallon malawi cichlid tank with the following fish.

1 Electric blue
1 yellow lab
3 Zebras
3 Kenyii
1 deamonsoni
1 gold nugget
1 tiger pleco
3 zebra loaches

There are two other fish which i'm not sure of. They are malawi, they are a charcoal black body with very red fins and are about 2 inches long. I have huge fish books but they arn't in there. Any ideas? Is this overpopulation?

aquaclear 70
aquaclear 50
I know is a little overkill

Water changes twice a week at 10-15 percent.

What is the proper food. I've heard so many thing about food but right now i'm feeding Formulate II. They seem to like and have been much healther. I supplement with live brine shrimp a few times a week. Is there somthing else I should be feeding perhaps a different frozen food? Are vegetables ok?

Any advice for care on cichilds would be much appreciated. Thanks

Hi Jack,
 Actually it sounds like you are doing quite well.  The twice a week water changes are an excellent way to keep the fish happy and healthy.  While the tank is full, it doesn't sound like it is overly full, but then again, I wouldn't add anything else.  

  There are a million opinions on food. Basically, if your fish are eating it and it is reasonable quality food, i.e., not bargain basement goldfish flakes, then I would stick with what you are doing.  You do not need to feed frozen food.  You can try vegetables; the pleco in particular would probably like the occasional zucchini (cut it into quarters lengthwise and attach it to a rock or something with a rubber band to the keep it from floating).

-- Ron
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